Hand Sanitiser

The washroom facilities provided by a business are extremely important for presenting the right brand image. A company’s washroom will be one of the most used rooms on the premises and therefore it is important to provide a pleasant experience for both staff and visitors who use the facilities.

There are a number of essential washroom hygiene supplies that should be provided in a washroom to guarantee people are properly provided for. Citron Hygiene provide market leading washroom solutions and this blog reveals must-have facilities and supplies for any washroom.

Hand Drying Facilities

Wet and/or damp hands spread germs rapidly. This means it is vitally important to provide effective hand drying solutions, so no one leaves your company washrooms with wet hands. They certainly should not come out of your washrooms rubbing their hands on their clothes!

When it comes to providing adequate hand drying facilities Citron Hygiene would recommend hand dryers or hand towel dispensers.

Modern energy efficient hand dryers can save your business money and reduce hand drying costs by as much as 80%. Effective electric hand dryers can dry hands in under 10 seconds and operate from as little as 550w, meaning they use very little energy.

Roller and paper hand towels offer an alternative method of drying your hands effectively. Roller towel washroom dispensers are now available in compact, stylish designs that complement your washroom. When using hand towels, it is important to make sure that they are replaced regular to ensure clean, sanitised roller towel is available.

If you are supplied hand towel dispenses by Citron Hygiene, then our hygiene technicians will make sure that your supply is maintained. This ensures that fresh roller towel is always available.

Alternatively, paper towels can be an effective hand drying solution. Look for a supplier that provides high quality paper and stylish options for dispensing.

Soap Dispensers

Washing your hands is one of the most effective ways of removing germs. Have you ever used a washroom and found the soap dispenser empty? The likelihood is you probably have. When you left that washroom did you have a positive or negative impression of the facilities provided?

Failing to provide something basic like soap can set a very bad impression and lead to the spread of harmful germs around your premises. Citron Hygiene’s managed service will ensure that your soap dispensers are never empty.

Combat Malodours

Entering a washroom and being met by a bad odour is not a pleasant experience. Installing anti-microbial air care technology is a worthwhile investment to eliminate malodours. A device such as the CitronClear Odour Neutraliser uses technology to actively clean air and improve air quality by destroying harmful airborne and surface bacteria.

Fragrance dispensers can help provide a clean and fresh smelling environment. The FreshAire Fragrance will allow you to choose a specially selected fragrance and makes use of Microtrans technology, which suspends pleasant aroma in the air for longer lasting fragrance. As the seasons change, so will your fragrance, ensuring all-year-round effectiveness against bad odours.

Provide Exceptional Washroom Facilities

Make sure that your washroom is providing the necessary facilities for users and giving the right impression about your company. If people are leaving your washrooms without the ability to dry their hands or cannot wash their hands because there is no soap, then this is going to leave people with a bad impression of your washroom and your business.

If you have any questions about choosing the right washroom supplies for your business, then please feel free to contact our team who will be happy to advise you on the right solution for your office building.

Find out how we can help elevate your washroom experience. Talk to us.

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