Elevate Your Washroom Experience With Specialist Solutions from Citron Hygiene

Provide relief and comfort to support the millions of people who experience urinary incontinence

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Deliver Period Dignity and Menstrual Hygiene Essentials

Choose the reliable washroom hygiene partner

We’ve spent over 45 years earning the trust of the world’s most recognisable clients: one washroom at a time. We’re here to help brands and facilities managers with companies of all shapes and sizes meet a new standard for away-from-home washroom experiences.

From menstrual care, hand hygiene and more, we have the best technology and expertise to integrate safe and successful washroom services into your business.

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Why Choose Citron Hygiene?

hand washing

Save Hygiene Costs

Avoid costs from clogged toilets and water wastage.

Citron Hygiene Van

Expect Reliable Service

Keep your facilities running smoothly with services delivered by a local team, backed by global experience.

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Be Socially Responsible

Partner with a company that advocates Period Dignity and embodies sustainable solutions.

Solutions for Your Hygiene Needs

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Join the growing movement to create healthier, safer and more inclusive washrooms today.


Find out how we can help elevate your washroom experience. Talk to us.

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