
It’s your washroom, just improved.

Hygiene and cleanliness are the most important areas of any commercial washroom, and you may need advice on the best ways to keep your washroom safe and hygienic.

With our free complimentary washroom consultations, our expert hygiene technicians will visit your facility and provide advice on how you can enhance your business’ washroom experience with tailored solutions to fit your budget, footfall, and brand, offering your clients the best from their washroom experience.


Citron Hygiene has developed a unique and integrated approach to delivering outstanding washroom hygiene solutions in every type of business.

Our approach is designed to meet your specific needs and support the well-being of your staff, customers and other stakeholders. Citron Hygiene offer great value solutions which stand up to the highest standards of independent testing.

We underpin your corporate and social responsibilities and support your brand by offering a comprehensive range of products and services to meet your hygiene and energy saving needs.

Discover how we can refresh your washroom. Arrange your free consultation by filling out the form on this page or calling us on 08000 66 55 52.

Find out how we can help elevate your washroom experience. Talk to us.

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