Public Washroom Toilet With Lid Shut


The smell of your company washrooms says a lot about your organisation, to staff, visitors and customers alike. A fresh, pleasant toilet environment and good air quality not only enhances the user experience but also reflects positively on your company and brand. And the good news is that, thanks to the latest odour control technology, eliminating nasty odours and creating clean and healthy air is possible for businesses and washrooms of all sizes. But before we look at how to achieve this, let’s look at what actually causes these unpleasant aromas in the first place and how technology has moved on.

The causes of a smelly washroom

There are two types of malodours in washrooms, resident and transient. The transient ones are fairly obvious and unfortunately unavoidable, however, they can be dispersed quickly with the help of the right products.  Resident malodours however are more complicated; to successfully combat a malodour you need to understand the source of it.

Thankfully, there is now a plethora of technology and processes that are available to neutralise and eliminate these nasty malodours.

Eliminating nasty aromas in your toilets

Implement a thorough washroom cleaning regime

In most cases the cause of a malodour in urine and bacteria. The first step towards a pleasant-smelling washroom is to undertake a deep clean of all sanitary ware and, if necessary, the drains also. This ensures that all bacteria lurking in the facilities are eradicated. The cleaning teams need to concentrate not only on the toilets and urinals but also on the flooring. Grout, both wall and floor, is where bacteria can thrive.

A thorough cleaning regime should be implemented daily, and you should also implement an odour control programme to support the cleaning. Odour neutraliser work to eliminate malodours – both resident and transient – and help maintain better air quality in rooms which are often humid, warm and lack good ventilation (such as washrooms).

Preventing bad washroom odours with washroom air purifiers & fragrance

A thorough and regularly implemented washroom cleaning regime will take care of much of the bacteria that causes washroom malodours, but it won’t eliminate bad washroom smells completely. To keep your commercial washroom fresh and clean smelling all day every day, use an air purifier and fragrance system designed to tackle tough bathroom smells and keep your washroom clean-smelling and inviting to users.

Citron Hygiene offers a range of air purifier systems and washroom fragrance units designed for washrooms of all sizes to eliminate odours and deliver a subtle and pleasant fragrance.

Our Biozone Commercial Air Purifier targets bacteria, mould, viruses and odours both in the air and on surfaces to support good hygiene practices and reduce washroom malodour.

The Citron FreshAire Fragrance odour neutralising system delivers a mild, fresh scent while neutralising bad bathroom smells.

View the range of Citron Air Care Product range online or download the Air Care brochure now.

More about odour eliminators

Odour eliminators use the latest technology to not only create a pleasant environment but also help destroy airborne germs.  Current technology focuses on UV light sterilisation, ozone production and negative ion technology.

PCO (Photo-Catalytic Oxidation) Odour Elimination

The process of Photo-Catalytic Oxidation (PCO) begins with the exposure of UV light to Titanium Dioxide to produce hydroxyl radicals. These radicals then attack the Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) in the air and break these down into harmless by-products such as carbon dioxide and water, which can then be released.

Photoplasma Odour Elimination

The use of Photoplasma is another means of odour-elimination and is created through the energising of air into a plasma state, releasing oxygen and hydroxyl radicals. These radicals neutralise malodours in the air by destroying airborne germs, bacteria and viruses.

Ozone Odour Elimination

Another element of odour elimination is the use of Ozone which, thanks to being highly reactive, is a proven means of breaking down malodourous airborne particles through a process of oxidisation. When released into the air, Ozone attaches itself to the offending bacteria, viruses and micro-organisms and breaks them down into harmless by-products.

Negative Ion Odour Elimination

Finally, negative ions released by the neutraliser help to freshen and purify the air by attaching themselves to positive ions such as dust, pollen and mould spores. These harmful particles then become too heavy to suspend in the air and simply fall to the ground where they are removed through normal cleaning activities.

Don’t let bad smells in your washroom present a negative impression to your customers and staff. To prevent bad odours and ensure your business is remembered for the right reasons, contact our team to get a quote for our air care solutions. 


Find out how we can help elevate your washroom experience. Talk to us.

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