
Citron Hygiene takes pride in providing an environmentally friendly service and modern products that have a significant focus on waste mitigation and recycling efficiency. Leading the industry here, they help to reduce impact on the environment, as well as saving money for their customers.

We all know about recycling paper, card and glass from what we do day-to-day in our own homes. However, the waste produced by sectors such as dental, medical, care homes and other specialist producers is very challenging. Even everyday waste products can be disposed of innovatively.

Doormat Recycling

Citron Hygiene were the first UK based company to recycle 100% of their ‘end of life’ commercial mats, something which they are still proud to be doing today. To date having diverted more than 12 tonnes of would-be waste doormats away from landfill and down the more sustainable path of recycling. These doormats are now recycled as part of other commercial production methods.

Dental Mould Recycling

All dental moulds include gypsum, which is a material consisting of calcium sulphate dehydrate. But when such compounds are disposed of with biodegradable waste, in a moist, airless carbon-containing environment, such as a landfill site, the Sulphur-reducing bacteria converts the calcium sulphate dehydrate into harmful hydrogen sulphide, which is a highly toxic gas.

It is therefore highly beneficial if dental moulds are disposed of with proper diligence.  Since 1st April 2009, it has become illegal to dispose of gypsum in normal landfill sites due to legislation from the Environment Agency Permitting (England & Wales) Regulations 2010. As a minimum gypsum waste must be disposed of in an additional, separate landfill site, making use of specialised cells built for high sulphate material disposal. This doesn’t reduce the waste, just the impact from it.

However, Citron’s preferred option involves specially made containers that safely store gypsum waste to keep the material stable and prevent creation of hydrogen sulphide. The gypsum can then be recycled by specialist companies, in accordance with the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010. This does reduce the level of waste.

Battery Recycling

In spite of the fact that it’s potentially dangerous, as well as hazardous, batteries are commonly thrown away into normal domestic bins. Pretty much all types of battery can, and should, be recycled with proper care as they are prone to leaking hazardous toxic waste.

Some of Citron’s washroom products use batteries for their operation and these are replaced at periodic intervals by Citron Hygiene as part of their managed service. Citron’s approach to battery waste is two-fold: Firstly, they properly recycle all battery waste by putting them into the correct waste stream for specialist recycling. Plus, they develop and enhance their products to maximise the power requirements thereby reducing the size of batteries and their replacement cycles. Ultimately reducing the volume of waste.

When you also consider the legislation around disposal of sharps, medication and potentially harmful cancer related drugs, you can see why it is so important for Citron Hygiene to keep ahead of the game through knowledge and innovation.

Find out how we can help elevate your washroom experience. Talk to us.

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