water drops

World Water Day is an annual event that brings awareness about the importance of water in our society. The population of the planet continues to grow which inevitably means a depletion of natural resources and damage to our environment. Water is our most precious resource and if we aren’t careful with how we manage and use it, we could be causing serious harm to the environment and ourselves.

This year’s theme for World Water Day 2020 is centred around water and climate change and how the two are linked.The aim is to show how we all have a part to play in using water more efficiently which ultimately will reduce greenhouse gases, protect health and save lives.

By protecting carbon sinks such as oceans and by implementing sustainable agricultural techniques, we can use water as a weapon against climate change. More than 2 billion people live in countries experiencing high water stress. This will likely worsen as populations, and the demand for water increases, and as the effects of climate change intensify.

How Are Water and Climate Change Linked?

Climate change impacts our water systems intrinsically due to temperature rises and changing precipitation patterns that bring about more flooding, droughts, rainfall and snow. Ultimately, climate change puts pressure on our water systems and availability of water is therefore on a downward spiral. In order to ensure we have enough water resources in the future, we must act now and reduce our water usage at home and in the workplace.

Where Do Businesses Waste Water?

In the UK alone, 3,108,000,000 litres of water are lost through easily preventable things such as leaks and outdated plumbing systems. A large amount of water is also simply being used to run day to day business activities whether it be in the manufacturing of products or within the office space.

The industries that use the most water are Fruit and Vegetable Farming, Textiles and Garments, Meat Production, the Beverage Industry and Automotive Manufacturing. For example it takes about 39,000 gallons of water to produce the average domestic vehicle and just consider how many vehicles you see on the road. Equally, a single pair of jeans requires about 2,866 gallons of water. That’s an incredible amount of water used, and much of it wasted, every single day. Despite these industries using the most water, there’s still plenty of opportunity for businesses from all sectors to reduce their water waste.

Although, you may think saving water in business is a big challenge – it may be easier than you think. By looking into how you could make some simple changes, you could be making a positive impact on our planet in addition to reaping the business benefits of saving money.

Savvy Ways to Save Water in the Workplace

  • Detect leaks. Leaks can equal a lot of waste water so make sure to fix leaks promptly.
  • Educate and engage staff on the importance of saving water. Set goals within your company of how much water you want to save and communicate progress in team meetings.
  • Ensure all rubbish is thrown in the bin, not down the toilet which would mean extra flushing.
  • Purchase water efficient equipment such as shower heads, toilets with auto-flush technology and eco-friendly dishwashers.
  • Install a water fountain. We all know that in order to stay focused and productive in the workplace, you have to stay hydrated. However, employees can often waste-water by waiting for the water to run to a refreshingly cold temperature before filling up their glass or water bottle. Consider installing a water fountain that offers ice cold water all day long.
  • Choose artificial plants and flowers. Although real flowers smell beautiful, they require care, attention and watering! To save water, you could consider having a blend of both artificial flowers and real flowers or just artificial flowers in the workplace.
  • Don’t use more than is necessary. It’s simple but water savings can be made by not overfilling mop buckets or overfilling the kettle. It may not seem like you’re saving a lot but over an annual period it all adds up!

Use Water Intelligently with Citron Hygiene

With Citron’s help you can make big water and cost savings by installing intelligent water saving solutions your business.

Save Water in Your Washrooms

One of the most common areas where businesses waste water is the washroom but with Citron’s solutions you can use it wisely.  Go green with washroom water management solutions from Citron Hygiene that include The Actiflow System and The Actiflush System.

The Citron Actiflow system controls urinal water usage by combatting malodours that would ordinarily be flushed away using high amounts of water. The Actiflush water saving system promises to save huge amounts of water and costs by turning traditional flush cisterns into variable systems which means only the right amount of water gets used per flush, every time.

Gain Full Control of Your Water Usage

If you want to identify where your water is being used and most importantly wasted throughout the whole of your facility, then our Smart Water Meter is the perfect tool. This meter can recognise if there’s a leak from your washrooms or if too much water is being used through flushing. Our water saving experts can then advise you on the most effective solutions to tackle the problem. Find out more about our Smart Water Meter.

Take Action Today & See How Much Water You Could Save

Within your organisation, why not use World Water Day 2020 to take action in your business and protect our water supplies for a long and healthy planet.

If you would like to save water and make positive environmental changes in your company, contact Citron Hygiene for a FREE water saving consultation. Find out how much your business could save by investing in intelligent water management solutions.

We all have a big part to play!

Find out how we can help elevate your washroom experience. Talk to us.

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