hotel interiors

Keeping your hotel clean and hygienic has always been important both to keep guests and employees safe and deliver the very best customer experience. However, with a heightened emphasis on the important role hygiene plays in preventing the spread of infection and providing peace of mind to your guests, how can you deliver the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene? 
 This guide has been written to help you understand what solutions can be implemented in your hotel to ensure the highest standards are maintained in the ‘new normal’ and beyond.

What’s included in this Hotel Cleaning Guide

  • Information on what solutions to implement for the highest levels of cleanliness and hygiene.
  • Guidance posters on handwashing, wearing PPE and disinfection that can be displayed in your organisation and used as training materials for staff.
  • Information high level touchpoints so these areas can be prioritised for cleaning
  • Cleaning product recommendations for best practices.

Get in Touch With Citron Hygiene

As an experienced hygiene services provider, contact the Citron Hygiene team for more advice on creating a clean and safe space.

Find out how we can help elevate your washroom experience. Talk to us.

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