sanitary bin

Despite sanitary bins being a legal requirement in the UK under The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations Act 1992, far too many facilities fail to provide adequate proper disposal units for sanitary products or even worse fail to provide any sanitary unit. Failure to adhere to the regulations could lead to hefty fines which is just one of the reasons providing clean and hygienic sanitary waste units for those who menstruate to dispose of waste safely and hygienically should be a top priority for all businesses.

Management of sanitary waste is paramount to enhancing washroom hygiene across your facilities. Without effective sanitary bins placed in every cubicle in your washroom not only will it send a message that washroom cleanliness and hygiene is not important to your business, but it can also lead to significant plumbing issues as people have no choice but to flush their waste down the toilet. Another, more serious repercussion is that it can expose visitors, staff and cleaners to harmful diseases and bloodborne pathogens such as HIV.

While providing effective sanitary bins in every washroom is vital when it comes to washroom hygiene, so too is finding the right sanitary bin service. With a few options to consider from full unit exchange services to a liner only service, it can be tough to decide which one will not only suit the businesses needs but provide the most efficient and hygienic service. Keep reading as we explain the differences between a full unit replacement and a liner only service and explore the benefits of a hygiene liner service.

The Differences between a Full Unit Replacement Service and a Liner Only Service

A well-known discussion throughout the washroom industry is which is best for businesses – a full unit bin replacement or a liner only service? While certain businesses may feel confused as to which servicing type is most suitable for their business requirements, we help to break down the confusion as we explain the main differences between the services:

Full Unit Replacement Service

A full unit exchange service means that the service technicians will remove the hygiene or nappy unit from the facilities and replace it with a brand-new unit. The old unit is then transported back to the service centre to be cleaned and sanitised before being transferred to another facility.

While full unit replacement services may be recognised to some as the most hygienic approach to disposing of sanitary waste; this may not actually be the case. This type of service may not be as discreet as a simple liner exchange as when the bins are removed from the premises, they may need to be carried throughout the premises which may not be very discreet and can also impose a higher risk of cross infection due to the used bins being in the same vehicle as the clean bins.

Liner Only Service

A liner only service means that when technicians are servicing a personal hygiene unit or a nappy bin, the bin is not replaced with a brand-new unit. The unit remains on site but is safely and efficiently sanitised to the same standards as they would be if they were taken off-site, to look fresh and clean before inputting a fresh bin liner into the unit ready for use.

What are the Benefits of a Personal Hygiene Liner Service then?

A hygienic and expertly managed liner service will give you complete control and ownership of your units making sure they always look fresh and brand-new every time. We share some of the main benefits of a liner service and why your business should consider using them.

Hygiene is a Top Priority

While some may believe that replacing the full unit with a fresh one upon each service may be more hygienic as you are removing the germs on the unit from the facilities, the liner service has been manufactured with a focus on hygiene. With germ-killing properties and hygienic value, the liner bag is manufactured using a unique blend of antimicrobial technology combined with fragrance to provide protection against viruses such as E. coli and Staph. Aureus (MRSA) while also smelling fresh in-between services.

Fewer Miles, Less Plastic

Previously with our full unit exchange programme, each time we service your units, we would have to drive your hygiene and nappy units back to our service centre, to then arrange a shipment of another unit back to you – empty. Not only is this a massive waste of fuel that we recognise could easily be reduced but it also meant we have to manufacture twice as many plastic units to ensure we had enough for when one was in transit and one is on-site. The new liner bag we use now is made from 30% recycled HDPE so overall we will see a huge reduction in plastic usage by adopting our environmentally friendly liner service.

A Healthier Environment

Our new liner services bring a fresh approach to hygiene servicing with more emphasis on reducing waste and improving efficiencies to protect the environment. By providing a liner service, not only do our technicians spend less time on the road saving significant fuel waste but our liner service allows us to reduce our water usage and energy consumption by removing all of our unit washing facilities from our service centres. Previously with full unit replacement services we were using large volumes of water, followed by energy to heat the water and chemicals to clean the unit all of which was then discharged into the wastewater system. Whereas with our new liner service, we have removed all washing facilities and reduced our water usage significantly therefore reducing our impact on the environment.

More Efficient Spaces

With fewer trips back to the service centres every day to unload dirty units and load up the fleet with clean units, oversized inefficient vehicles are no longer required. By providing a liner service for our hygiene units, we have been able to replace all our fleet with much smaller, more efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles that will only need to visit the centre once a week.

Discreet Service

By using a liner only service, our fully trained hygiene technicians can discreetly and safely remove your waste and keep your unit looking fresh and clean before replacing the liner each time in a safe and efficient manner. They can ensure the waste is removed in a smooth, discreet process without carrying the used bin through the premises.

Why Use Citron’s Personal Hygiene Liner Services

Citron Hygiene revolutionised feminine hygiene in 1955 when we introduced the first feminine hygiene disposal units and have continued to be an industry leader in the field of personal hygiene units and sanitary waste disposal across the UK ever since. Since then, we have adapted our offering as we have recognised the importance of not just providing bins for the safe disposal of feminine hygiene waste but other waste such as nappy and incontinence waste too. We recognise the importance of supplying clean and hygienic sanitary waste solutions for businesses and, along with effective hygiene units, we provide the most hygienic and environmentally friendly liner service managed by our fully trained hygiene technicians.

Our hygiene liner service gives you complete control and ownership of your units as they stay on your premises, while our technicians discreetly remove your waste and keep your unit look fresh, clean and sanitised. While all our sanitary bins follow the new liner only service, we offer businesses the choice of a wide range units to make sure you find the right bin for your washrooms, from hands-free disposal units, modern and stylish or compact units designed to maximise space in small washrooms.

For more information on how our personal hygiene bin services can enhance your washroom hygiene and create a pleasant washroom experience for all who come and go, contact a member of the team today, or alternatively browse our complete range of sanitary bin units to find the right one for your business.

Find out how we can help elevate your washroom experience. Talk to us.

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