women using aunt flow vending machine

Originally developed by WASH United, Menstrual Hygiene Day is an annual day that aims to promote good menstrual hygiene management (MHM) practices worldwide. It is believed that by raising awareness, breaking the silence and changing negative social norms this will enable women and girls to reach their full potential.

It takes places on the 28th May, with the day 28 being significant as this is the average length of a female’s menstruation cycle.

#NoMoreLimits is a poignant hashtag that is being used this year to promote Menstrual Hygiene Day on social media as there should be no limits to females being able to manage their periods safely, with dignity and respect no matter where they are.

Current Menstrual Hygiene Management Issues

Menstruation is a completely normal biological process, however there is still a negative stigma and a lack of education surrounding the subject which leads to poor menstrual hygiene practices.[1]

In South East Asia 1/3 girls know nothing about menstruation prior to getting it, whilst in Ethiopia 25% of girls do not use any sort of menstrual products.[2] Worldwide there is inconsistency when it comes to access to menstrual supplies, safe toilets, water and soap.

Although there is increasing media attention and successful campaigns addressing feminine hygiene issues, in developed countries there are still challenges when it comes to achieving the standards for good menstrual hygiene management.

Shocking research suggests that 1 in 5 females in the UK resort to desperate measures in a crisis such as using old clothes or newspapers when they cannot afford to buy sanitary products[3] whilst 49% of 14-21-year-olds have a missed a whole day of school when they menstruate. Females outside this age range can encounter problems if they come from low income brackets.

What Ideal MHM looks like

There are ideal criteria that must be met in order to achieve high standards of menstrual hygiene management worldwide.

  • Females have access to clean private toilets, with clean water and soap; in the workplace, at home, at school and in other public spaces
  • All females have access to sanitary products that are affordable and easily accessible
  • A safe and hygienic place to dispose of used materials
  • Education and information on menstruation provided in schools, via health workers, doctors and via the media.
  • Menstruation is normalised; individuals can speak openly and confidently about periods.

Supporting Menstrual Hygiene Day

Citron Hygiene are supporting Menstrual Hygiene Day by outlining how period friendly washrooms can be created so that women and girls have access to the right facilities to manage their period with dignity and respect.

Citron Hygiene are well placed to support the day as introducing the first ever feminine hygiene disposal unit in 1955 whilst also offer a range of leading washroom and hygiene services.

In order to create period friendly washrooms, it is imperative that females have somewhere to dispose of sanitary waste safely and effectively. Citron Hygiene have a comprehensive range of sanitary waste bins that all contain the E-card which kills 99.999% of harmful bacteria, making them extremely hygienic and safe.

It’s not just about having sanitary hygiene units, it’s important that females have access to menstrual hygiene products no matter where they are. Our free-vend period product vending machine ensures that menstrual products are available for females in an emergency. By having items available when needed, this reduces menstruation stress leading to increased happiness and wellbeing for girls and women.

Lastly, washrooms should be supplied with clean water and soap to promote healthy handwashing routines. Citron Hygiene offer soap and sanitising solutions that can be managed by our reliable local servicing to ensure dispensers are stocked at all times.

Let’s Work Together to Take Action

Although there is a long way to go to achieve good menstrual hygiene management worldwide, by ensuring facilities are provided in washrooms so that females can manage their periods safely and with confidence can remove some of the limits.

Support Menstrual Hygiene Day on social media by using the hashtag #NoMoreLimits.

Get in touch with the Citron Hygiene team to learn more about our sanitary hygiene solutions so that you can create inclusive and friendly washroom environments.

Find out how we can help elevate your washroom experience. Talk to us.

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