International Womens Day 2019

International Women’s Day takes place on the 8th March every year and this years’ theme is centred around a more gender balanced world. To achieve this, steps need to be taken to improve the wellbeing of women.

One very important issue that can help bring about improved gender balance is putting an end to period poverty. The harsh reality is that there are still females around the world and even in the UK that do not have equal access to sanitary products due to the costs involved even though this is a very avoidable issue.

Citron Hygiene are playing their part this year by supporting the Scottish Government Scheme that focuses on providing free sanitary products to females in Scotland through the provision of feminine hygiene vending machines in public washrooms.

The Scottish Government Scheme to eliminate period poverty

Results from recent surveys in 2017-2018 have revealed that even in developed countries such as Scotland, one in five females stated that they could not afford to buy sanitary products each month and even resorted to desperate measures such as using old clothes and paper towels when in a crisis.

Figures suggest that British women can spend close to £18,000 over the course of a lifetime on their periods when you take into account money that is spent on both sanitary products and pain relief during a period.  Those living in a low-income bracket or between the age of 14-21 are most likely to not be able to afford basic sanitary products therefore highlighting how important it is to address the very real issue of period poverty.

In March 2018, the Scottish government reacted to these facts and ran a successful scheme that aimed to break the taboo associated with feminine hygiene and tackle period poverty by providing free sanitary products in secondary schools across Scotland. 

The government have recently increased funding for the scheme so that more women in Scotland have access to free feminine hygiene products by providing vending machines in public washrooms and businesses.

How are Citron Hygiene helping to reduce period poverty?

Citron Hygiene are well positioned to support this important issue with a long history in providing feminine hygiene solutions, being the first company to introduce sanitary disposal units in 1955. We have continued to lead the way in providing feminine hygiene services ever since.

We are supporting the Scottish governments scheme by supplying vending machines for female washrooms in businesses across Scotland and encouraging companies to buy tokens from Citron Hygiene. These tokens can be distributed to customers who require feminine hygiene products and can be used in the vending machines.

Citron Hygiene saw a number of businesses join the scheme and are encouraging more companies to do the same. The scheme is helping to reduce period poverty in Scotland by ensuring that more girls and women have access to sanitary products.

It’s particularly important in an emergency that females have access to feminine hygiene products when required. Our free managed service and restocking programme ensures that our vending machines are always stocked with the necessary items.

Provide feminine hygiene disposal units in your washroom 

To further tackle the negative stigma that surrounds feminine hygiene and to take steps towards putting an end to period poverty, it’s also just as important that women can dispose of sanitary waste properly in a safe, clean and hygienic way. 

Support International Women’s Day and provide a caring and considerate washroom environment for women by providing sanitary disposal units in your business’ washroom. It is important to consider the requirement to provide sani bins in the UK.

Citron Hygiene will also exchange your used feminine hygiene units with professionally cleaned units on a regular basis to ensure the highest standards of hygiene in your washroom. If sani bins are not cleaned properly, then it can lead to the spread of potentially harmful germs and bacteria.

Let’s put an end to period poverty  

If you would like more information on how your business can support putting an end to period poverty, then please get in touch with our team or please feel free to find out more about our feminine hygiene services.


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