• Feminine hygiene waste
• Nappy and incontinence waste in 
Citron units or ‘tiger bags’ (note that for ‘tiger bags’
  only a separate Landfill Regulations Form, NHWRP01v01 is also required)
• Non-hazardous/special waste medicines (i.e. non cytotoxic/cytostatic medicines)
• Clinical waste units/ and/or bags, sharps, pharmi-sharps – if non-hazardous/special
  waste i.e. from non-healthcare activities,. In that case a 
Citron Hygiene Hazardous
  Waste Response Form, HWRP01v10 will also be being completed to confirm that
  (if in doubt refer to 
Citron Hygiene Guidance on Assessment of waste as
  hazardous/special waste).

Although The Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 came into force on 28th March 2011, a number of the new provisions did not apply until 6 months later i.e. from 28th September 2011. Any Duty of Care Waste Transfer notes issued after 28th September 2011 to either new Customers or as renewals for existing Customers will need to include this new information. Any issued before that date remain valid until they are due for renewal and do need to be reissued until renewal is due.

We have tried to limit as far as possible the burden on Customers and simplified the questions we need to ask where possible e.g. by listing the available answers with tick boxes where possible. Although The Regulations only currently apply in England and Wales, we are collecting this same information from Customers in other part of the United Kingdom so as to be prepared if similar requirements are imposed in Scotland or Northern Ireland.

Your specific customer details will be pre-filled – please make sure these are correct on all forms.  Here we provide additional information to help you complete the rest of the form:

Section (i): Type of Business and/or SIC (2007) Code:

Regulation 35 requires that Waste Transfer Notes must include the SIC (2007) Code of the Transferor. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes are a system of classifying business by types. If the business is a Company registered with Companies House those in that registration will know what Code is used to classify the business. We can assist with allocating an SIC (2007) code if unknown, but in that case you must provide us with the type of business producing the waste i.e. Leisure Centre, School, Bank etc. Although the SIC (2003) Code is still required for Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes (and hence requested on the Citron Hazardous Waste Response Form), these Regulations require SIC (2007) and The Environment Agency indicate why this is the case at


Section (ii): Waste Transferor Status:

Please indicate whether the Transferor (i.e. the site waste is being collected from) is

the Producer of the waste
the Transporter of the waste
the Importer of the waste or
a Local Authority

Tick one box only e.g. if both Producer of the waste and a Local Authority, tick only a Local Authority.

Section (iii): Storage Status:

Please indicate the Storage status of the site where waste is being collected from, as regards certain specified exemptions from Environmental Permitting (Section 68(2), The Environmental Permitting Regulations 2011 – ‘Non Waste Framework Directive Exemptions’ i.e. whether

Temporary storage at the place of production
Temporary storage at a place controlled by the Producer (i.e. if stored other than at site where it is produced, by the Producer)
Temporary storage at a collection point (e.g. if brought back from various locations by mobile operatives and stored pending collection)

Section (iv): Environmental Permit Number:

If an Environmental Permit under The Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010 is held for the site waste is being collected from, please indicate Permit Number. If no Permit is held please state ‘not applicable’ (Permits may previously have been Waste Management Licences, PPC or IPPC permits which although they automatically became Environmental Permits when the 2010 Regulations came info force still state on the front their former status).