Dental instruments

More treatments, more treatment rooms and more specialist staff means, inevitably, more waste. As the popularity in cosmetic treatment grows, customers are turning to dental practices to deliver these procedures in a safe and professional environment. More treatments, more treatment rooms and more specialist staff mean, inevitably, more waste.

Identifying Containers

Knowing how to safely handle this waste for removal and disposal is the legal responsibility of every dental practice. But with more products and services regularly launching into the market, it’s easy to understand how staff can feel unsure about the correct dental waste storage and disposal process. After all, there is already an array of containers to deal with everything from sharps to hazardous waste.

Waste Storage

Space is often an absolute premium in busy practices: products and equipment need to be safely stored and taken to the treatment rooms which, in turn, need the right waste disposal units readily to hand. In addition, not all practices can afford the space luxury of a separate sterilising room so they have to create a dedicated area within the treatment rooms instead. No wonder dental practices need support and advise to ensure that they have the best, most efficient waste storage and disposal solution that they can.

Well-trained Staff

All staff need to be well-trained and well-informed about the different waste products and their disposal. Any mistakes – such as inadvertently placing the waste in the wrong container – can have health and safety repercussions. Producers of Hazardous Waste are required to audit their waste streams to ensure waste isn’t inadvertently placed in the wrong container.

It is the producer’s responsibility under their own Duty of Care to adequately describe the waste, ensure it is removed by a registered waste carrier and is sent to a site authorised to accept that waste (permitted or exempt facility)

Understanding the Waste Stream Maze

Citron Hygiene is trusted by thousands of customers to advise upon and deliver the very best waste disposal solution. The ‘waste stream’ can be an overwhelming maze of products, systems and legal responsibilities. Citron Hygiene guide their customers through every step of the process to ensure they find the most effective solution for all clinical, sharps and offensive waste.

Citron Hygiene offers customers the flexibility to ‘pick ‘n’ mix’ items in order to create a tailored package that fits their exact waste requirements. To support staff working within dental practices, Citron Hygiene also offers advice and guidance to help staff identify and use the correct waste containers. It all helps to make the practice as safe and efficient as possible.

Speak to our team to learn more about the safe disposal of cosmetic waste.

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