hand sanitiser

The ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ slogan has been used to promote good respiratory and hand hygiene since 2009, and has been revitalised for campaigns to help safeguard against influenza, swine flu, norovirus, and other viral illnesses that spread more easily when good hygiene is not observed.

This advice is as important, or more so, than it has ever been. Display our free germ prevention poster in your premises to remind visitors to practice good hygiene at all times.

The Importance of Practicing Good Hand & Respiratory Hygiene

Regular and thorough hand and respiratory hygiene practices are critical in preventing the spread of viruses and bacteria inside and outside of the home. Help keep your premises germ free and safe by displaying your ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ germ prevention poster and provide plenty of opportunity for visitors to follow this advice by ensuring soap, water, hand sanitiser, tissues and bins are all clean and available at all times.

Where to Display Your Stop the Spread Poster 

This poster is likely to be most effective when displayed in prominent locations around your business where it can be easily seen. It may also be displayed on the back of bathroom doors, near bins, and in communal areas where there is a high footfall of traffic.

Download the Poster

Download your free stop the spread poster here.

More Hygiene Signs & Posters

Explore our full range of hygiene guidance posters that can be downloaded for free to display across your facilities to encourage good hygiene practices amongst all those who come and go.

Find out how we can help elevate your washroom experience. Talk to us.

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