Taking place each year, World Toilet Day is an official UN international observance day on November 19th. The aim of World Toilet Day is to celebrate toilets and raise awareness for the 4.2billion people worldwide living without ‘safely managed sanitation’. The UN charity created a campaign called ‘It’s No Joke’ to encourage everyone to overcome their embarrassment and use humour to get the nation talking about toilets.
This World Toilet Day, Citron Hygiene are doing their own bit to raise awareness towards the importance of sanitation, but with a little fun twist. As 2020 has been a ‘No Joke’ year for all, we thought what better way to raise awareness than to celebrate some of the best toilet jokes out there. Are you ready for humour that’ll make you laugh out loud?
On a Roll with Our Favourite Toilet Jokes
Why were there balloons in the bathroom? There was a birthday potty
It’s not been the best year for any birthday extravaganza’s that’s for sure but don’t worry we can all still have a laugh by telling a good old toilet joke. Ah, how times have changed hey.
Why did the police officer sit on the toilet? To do his duty.
A great toilet joke to share with your friends and family to get them laughing out loud. Definitely one to save for those weekly zoom calls!
Why was Eeyore in the Bathroom? Because he was looking for pooh
Any bigtime fan of Children’s book Winnie The Pooh will appreciate this toilet joke!
Someone toilet papered my house last night. Now it’s worth £800,000
With everyone running around panic buying and stocking up on toilet paper before lockdown, it’s no wonder this is one of the best toilets jokes this year. Who else feels like they are rolling in it as soon as they have a substantial supply of toilet paper?
Table of Contents
Have you heard of the film constipated? No because it never came out.
Humour that’ll have everyone laughing out loud.
There are two reasons you shouldn’t drink from the toilet. Number 1 and Number 2.
Definitely not recommended – no matter how desperate you get this year. Although another reason to appreciate the high-quality level of sanitation we have in the UK.
Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? To get to the bottom
Another classic that will have the whole family roaring with laughter. The ultimate light-hearted distraction that everyone needs during lockdown.
Why do people take naps on the toilet? Because it’s the rest room
A great joke for those people that end up spending hours in the bathroom. We all know somebody.
Why didn’t the toilet paper make it across the road? It got stuck in the crack.
Keep everyone smiling during lockdown and surprise them with a cracking toilet joke. Let’s hope nobody asks us to explain this one.
What does one toilet say to the other? You’re looking a little flushed.
Last but certainly not least, a classic I’m sure we’ve all heard before but one that never gets old. What’s your all-time favourite toilet joke?
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A Focus on Toilet Hygiene
We hope you enjoyed our top 10 toilet jokes and it provided a little distraction from the current situation. We would love to hear some of your favourite toilet jokes too.
Not only do we hope that you’ve been rolling over from laughter reading this post but have gained awareness towards the importance of toilets and sanitation.
With over 4.2 million people globally living without sanitation, this isn’t a laughing matter however by raising awareness we can be one step further to tackling the crisis of achieving water and sanitation for all by 2030. 2020 has highlighted just how important hygiene and sanitation is to save lives and reduce the spread of infection and we can help your business deliver the highest standards with our washroom hygiene solutions.
Get in touch with Citron Hygiene to find out how we can help your business create a safer and more hygienic washroom for all, today.