#1: Dental Practices and their waste responsibilities

dentist holding a teeth mold

Here we provide a handy guide to managing waste and what your responsibilities are. Remember, at Citron Hygiene we have expertise on hand if you require more specific or detailed advice.

DEN#1   Dental practices must ensure waste is segregated, stored, packaged, described and transferred appropriately

DEN#2   Consignment notes (hazardous) & waste transfer notes (non-hazardous) are the required documentation for waste collections

DEN#3   Dental practices are periodically audited to ensure waste is accurately described, compliant & to identify any problems

DEN#4   A dental practice must discharge its D.O.C. & appropriate waste documentation when returning medicines to a pharmacy

DEN#5   Non-hazardous offensive waste stream is used for soft wastes from dentistry that are not contaminated with bodily fluid

DEN#6   Offensive waste from dental care includes Saliva-contaminated swabs, gowns, gloves & tissues with no known infection risk

DEN#7   Dental practitioners may dispose of teeth and spicules in a yellow-lidded sharps receptacle

DEN#8   Pharmaceutical & medicinal wastes should never be placed in the domestic waste stream for disposal

DEN#9   Empty containers are likely to contain sufficient residue to remain hazardous chemical wastes unless rinsed

DEN#10 Chemicals should not be disposed of in the clinical waste stream. This may cause chemical releases and worker exposure

If you require any further assistance with your dental waste responsibilities, please don’t hesitate to get in touch

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