
Here we provide a handy guide to managing waste and what your responsibilities are. Remember, at Citron Hygiene we have expertise on hand if you require more specific or detailed advice.

CH#1   Waste is classified as infectious (and must be treated as such) if the resident is known or suspected to have an infection

CH#2   Medicines returned to pharmacies from care homes will normally be classified as ‘from human healthcare’ and listed as EWC 180109

CH#3   If a Category A infectious substance has been encountered, the HPA and the DoT should be informed

CH#4   Clinical signs, symptoms and any prior knowledge of the resident are used to assess whether waste is infectious

CH#5   Healthcare waste generated by a patient in the community carrying a multi-resistant organism isn’t necessarily infectious

CH#6   Waste arising from a patient being treated with cytostatic or cytotoxic drugs should always be sent for incineration

CH#7   Any liquid waste classified as offensive following a risk assessment will most likely be disposed of at the premises.

CH#8   Nursing homes that provide medical care are required by the Environment Agency to complete a Pre-Acceptance Waste Audit.

CH#9   Liquid waste is banned from landfill, so should be placed into an alternate waste stream if it can’t be emptied.

CH#10 Healthcare workers visiting home based residents must ensure that this waste is managed properly.

If you require any further assistance with your waste responsibilities, please don’t hesitate to get in touch

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