We wanted to explain to customers the steps and measures Citron are taking to keep our staff safe and ensure continuity of our services.

We have been monitoring the continuing situation over the past months and from March have coordinated Coronavirus COVID-19 executive management meetings.  This team meets weekly and as and when further information dictates.  We will monitor the latest government advice daily and update contingency plans accordingly.

Our purpose is to review and oversee our plans ensuring the health and safety of our staff and continuity of the services we provide to you our customers.

We have reaffirmed the advice from the UK Government and Public Health England to our staff regarding providing advice about coronavirus, preventative hygiene measures, advice on the symptoms of coronavirus and measures to be taken by staff if they have symptoms or  are confirmed as having the virus.



We are providing clear information to staff using emails and posters.


Facilities at all sites are well stocked. Government instructions on handwashing techniques have been communicated to all staff and posters displayed around the workplace. We also emphasised frequent and correct hand washing techniques.

We have placed hand sanitiser stations in all offices and depots and provided staff with personal hand sanitiser bottles. 


Social distancing:
Maintain 2 metres / approx. 6 feet distance between you and anyone coughing or sneezing.


Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. 
Hands will touch many surfaces in a day. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth and from there the virus can enter your body.


Practice respiratory hygiene:
Use the nearest waste bin to dispose of tissues after use.


Stay informed:
We will direct staff to the latest UK Government and PHE guidance.


Cleaning regimes
To be thorough and more regular with frequent cleaning of key areas including work desks, keyboards, telephones, door handles.


Travel and Group meetings
Staff have been advised against non- essential travel and meetings with customers and suppliers. Increased use of telephone and video conferencing will help to modify the frequency of such contact.

We already have in place effective remote working capabilities. Many of our field sales, core office staff, and management regularly work off site or from home as part of their daily duties. These capabilities are being expanded to our customer service Hubs in Bardon and Heysham with remote working collaboration technologies in place to ensure their effectiveness.

Our data centres are offsite and duplicated. Our IT team together with our IT contractors have undertaken risk assessments and system testing to our fully integrated IT system to evaluate systems compliance. This has proven our capabilities and we are confident the infrastructure is in place to support our business.

We are working closely with all our suppliers and contractors to ensure they too have robust business contingency plans in place and can provide the same level of support.

We do not anticipate a reduction of services or frequency in services we provide to customers in the event of an enforced requirement for our staff to work from home for a sustained period.

We will continue to provide regular updates.


Citron Hygiene UK Limited

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