Hygiene Services for the Healthcare Sector

Within the healthcare sector, providing expert care for your patients is at the forefront of your responsibilities. But is this level of care translated throughout your washroom facilities? With the NHS seeing more than 835,000 people visiting their GP practice a day and 94,000 emergency admissions, the spread of illness should be minimised through excellent standards of hygiene. This has several benefits for your medical facility including:

  • Improved wellbeing
  • Minimised spread of disease and rehospitalisation
  • Reduced staff absenteeism
  • Maintaining a professional appearance

Now is the time to partner with a reliable washroom hygiene services company. With more than 45 years earning the trust of the world’s most recognisable clients, Citron Hygiene is here to help you go above and beyond for your patients, one washroom at a time. 

Solutions for GP Practices, Hospitals, Pharmacies, Dental Surgeries & More

Choose the reliable washroom hygiene partner

Show your patients and staff that you care and reduce risks with Citron Hygiene’s all-encompassing washroom hygiene services and supplementary solutions. With more than 45 years helping countless organisations deliver exceptional washrooms experiences, we are here to help. Contact us to get a quote.

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